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Below are descriptions of current and previous relevant experience. For detailed information, please click on the link below to download my full CV.



Licensed Professional Couselor

Private Practice

O'Fallon, MO

Counselor in a private practice setting. Specializing in learning disabilities, anxiety, depression, career/vocational issues, developmental disabilities, mood disorders, and relationship issues. Treatment modalities include brief and long-term psychotherapy utilizing individual therapy sessions. Therapeutic interventions are concentrated within solution-focused and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques.

2007 - 2012

PhD, Rehabilitation Counselor Education

Michigan State University

Associate Professor of Rehabilitation Counseling

Maryville University

St Louis, MO

Provide active and didactic lectures related to curriculum for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in rehabilitation services or rehabilitation counseling programs. Participate in the advising, mentoring, and instruction of rehabilitation services and counseling students. Participate in Departmental, Program, and University administrative committee.


Michigan Rehabilitation Services

Lansing, MI

Executed projects requiring data analysis and comparison followed by summary and reporting to site and district managers. Examples of projects include:

  • State-wide survey and analysis of co-located counselors determining benefits and limitations of this arrangement

  • Develop county profiles (i.e. caseload size, budget, disability type, services provided, adjusted rehabilitation rate, etc.)

  • Surveyed counselors of their impressions and preferences of the current placement vendor payment process

GECKO Project Manager

Michigan Rehabilitation Services

Lansing, MI

Applied and awarded $60,000 grant. Sole person responsible for supervising and managing a grant funded project within local vocational rehabilitation agency. Responsibilities included:

  • Caseload management of all program participants

  • Supervision of project staff and payment of vendor services

  • Facilitate assistive technology and job coach trainings

  • Monitor and evaluate participant progress for job readiness and overall program needs

2005 - 2007

MA, Rehabilitation Counseling

Michigan State University

2000 - 2004

BA, Psychology

Michigan State University

Rehabilitation Counselor

Michigan Rehabilitation Services

Lansing, MI

Provided rehabilitation counseling services to various disability populations and transitioning youth with disabilities. Tasks included:

  • Obtaining pertinent education, social, psychological, medical and vocational data to determine a client’s needs and eligibility for vocational services

  • Collaboratively determining a client’s vocational objective

  • Coordinating community services

  • Authorized case expenditures to help the client reach their vocational goal

  • Provided job development services for employment-ready clients

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