What is Rehabilitation Counseling?
Rehabilitation counseling is a systematic process which assists persons with physical, mental, developmental, cognitive, and emotional disabilities to achieve their personal, career, and independent living goals in the most integrated setting possible through the application of the counseling process. The counseling process involves communication, goal setting, and beneficial growth or change through self-advocacy, psychological, vocational, social, and behavioral interventions. The specific techniques and modalities utilized within this rehabilitation counseling process may include, but are not limited to:
assessment and appraisal;
diagnosis and treatment planning;
career (vocational) counseling;
individual and group counseling treatment interventions focused on facilitating adjustments to the medical and psychosocial impact of disability;
case management, referral, and service coordination;
program evaluation and research;
interventions to remove environmental, employment, and attitudinal barriers;
consultation services among multiple parties and regulatory systems;
job analysis, job development, and placement services, including assistance with employment and job accommodations;
and the provision of consultation about and access to rehabilitation technology.
Work Settings for Rehabilitation Counselors
Business & Industry
Centers for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
Colleges & Universities
Community Rehabilitation Programs
Corrections Facilities
Independent Living Facilities
Insurance Companies
K-12 Schools
Medical Centers
Mental Health Centers/Psychiatric Facilities
Native American & Alaskan Community Work Programs
Rehabilitation Hospitals
Private Rehabilitation Companies (for-profit and not-for-profit)
Private Practice/Self-Employed
State Rehabilitation Agencies
Veterans Benefits Administration
Veterans Health Administration
Workers’ Compensation Agencies
Higher Education:
Academic Counselor
Dean/Associate Dean
Disability Accommodation Coordinator
Student Services Director 
Insurance/Private Rehabilitation:
Benefits Coordinator
Employee Assistance Program Counselor
Expert Witness
Insurance Adjuster
Job Developer/Placement Specialist
Medical Case Manager
Rehabilitation Counselor
Residential Supports:
Housing Supervisor/Manager/Director
Residential Coordinator
Residential Therapist
Supported Housing Specialist 
Skills Training:
Brain Injury Specialist
Independent Living Specialist
Literacy Coordinator
Orientation and Mobility Specialist
Skills Training Specialist 
Specialized Services:
Assistive Technology
Specialist Probation/Parole Officer
Psychiatric Rehabilitation/Disability Specialist
Rehabilitation Engineer
Transition Counselor/Specialist
Veteran Transition Specialist
Job Titles for Rehabilitation Counselors
Director/Executive Director/Assistant Director
Program Administrator/Coordinator/Supervisor
Training/Policy/Staff Development Coordinator 
Business & Industry:
Accommodations Specialist
ADA Coordinator
Diversity Specialist
Employee Assistance Program Coordinator
Human Resource Specialist
Case Management:
Case Coordinator/Manager
Client/Individual Service Coordinator
Disability Coordinator
Disability Examiner/Reviewer
Disability Management Consultant
Life Care Planner
Addictions Counselor
Career Counselor
Counselor for Unique Populations (Veterans, Deaf, Blind, Culturally Diverse, etc.)
Mental Health Counselor
Rehabilitation Counselor/Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Substance Abuse/Chemical Dependency Counselor 
Employment Services:
Business Relations Specialist/Consultant
Career Counselor/Guidance Specialist
Employment Coordinator/Training Specialist
Placement Specialist
Return-To-Work Specialist
Utilization Reviewer
Vocational Counselor/Evaluator
Work Adjustment Specialist 