Digital Resumes
Recently I have had the pleasure in talking with several of my classes and colleagues about the concept of the digital resume. I am quickly realizing that many professionals in the helping disciplines (rehabilitation counselors included) are behind the eight-ball concerning this notion (and many things technical). That is, I had only recently learned of the digital resume. During my enlightenment, I realized that this "thing" has existed and flourished in my ignorance.
This site and space is designed to highlight my efforts to demonstrate to my students the relevance and importance of a digital presence. I strongly feel we are all remiss to not also practice what we preach. Undergradaute and graduate students alike should all develop and nurture their digital presence, as it is indeed the future. I predict that in the not too distant future employers will not ask for resumes and cover letters. Rather, they will be asking for personal websites and digital resumes. If you are a graphics designer, multimedia specialist, cyber security likely already have a digital presence, as it is your job to do so. I emplore all of my students to enter into 2015 and the labor market of TODAY by creating a digital presence and sharing it with prospective clinical sites, employers, professors, and peers by simply linking it in your email signature.
Please take a few moments to watch this video about the social media revolution. This video reminds me about global demographics that drive this trend. We all need reminders of what it's like "out there" to avoid becoming submerged in our own hypothetical bubbles.
I recommend reading and, as they both have great ideas and examples for how to make an impactful digital resume.